Same old situation. I'm bored with work and lacking motivation and once again, I can't decide if I just don't like my chosen profession or simply hate working. It's probably all rooted in my life-long problems adating to change. Lord knows I've had enough of it over the last few years. But, why complain? I've got to find a way to turn this negative into a positive. It probably starts with going bed (as usual). But, damn, I just feel overwhelmed with things. It really starts me wondering what the hell is wrong with me? I can't even feign interest in work anymore. I leave everything to th e last minute, it's almost as if I'm testing to see how far I can push it. Not a good situation. I should probably be proactive about it though. Well, tomorrow is another day. Let's hope I can make it a better one.
Other than that...things are great. Busy, but great.