So I have an attention to detail problem. It’s been something I’ve always battled and I have to wonder whether or not I can do anything about it at this point. Problem is, it’s coming haunting me just a bit at my current job and I’m not sure quite what to do.
I’ve tried all the recommend solutions before; read things a million times, read them out loud, I have even tried reading things backwards. Nothing works. I have a distinct problem that after I’ve written/read through something a few times, I’m too close to it to catch mistakes. It’s why I’ve always relied on people to proofread my work. And I don’t feel this should be a problem amongst co-workers. But I get the sense my current boss thinks differently.
I’ve sent more than few things to her that haven’t been perfect. Then again, I’ve never professed to be perfect. But I thin somewhere in the back of her mind she’s noted my proclivity for mistakes and looks to point them out. And this pissed me off and makes me mad at myself at the same time. Maybe some day I’ll get it and I realize saying I never will is not going to help the problem. I’ll have to make more of an effort.
However, my job moves so fast at times, things tend to fall through the cracks. I’ve never been a guy to sweat the details of things, always figuring that life is too short for that stuff. Maybe it’s going to be the direct reason while I’ll never be amazingly successful. So I guess I should address it.
Life is busy as always. Work continues to kick my ass and we’ve thrown buying a new house into the mix. However, this being a dad still has yet to become a reality. It’s hard to explain how different it is being a parent, especially trying to explain how everything is different, but still the same. It goes beyond surreal. What’s more is I’ve sometimes felt it tough to not only relate to people who don’t have kids, but also to relate to people who are new parents as well. I guess it’s just a case of me taking myself too seriously? Who knows?
I’m certainly not writing at all lately and have had no problem rationalizing why. I could give me usual rah-rah speech to myself, but what’s the point I n saying something for the millionth time that I already know?
I’m punchy without a doubt. Maybe its due to a lack of sleep…or motivation...or just plain continues confusion about life.