Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Of course, it's been a while. That is par for the course around here of late. I guess blogging was so 2003. Figured I'd at least dump some things on here though. Lots going on in my life, some stuff that is not quite ready for publication, but one in particular that has given me a good idea for a column. Now, I just have to execute it.

Work is kicking my ass. I find it hard to belive the amount of crisis managment I have been a part of since starting this job. For the latest go around, I've worked 10 straight days and there doesn't seem to be a quick end in sight. I am gaiing great experience and more importnatnly, trust from the powers that be. That is what I think anyway. I just hope I'm doing an all right job. FOr as much as I love to rail against my profession at times, I really do enjoy playing the PR game from time to time.