“He could have tuned in, tuned in, but he tuned out…”
I went with the latter as well, I needed to. Too much time on my hands, too few job opening along with a serious lack of focus has me spinning. So , I stepped away from reality to the beach in Rhode Island. I needed to recharge and I think it worked if last week is any indication.
Now, we’re two weeks past Labor Day and for the first time since being laid-off, I began to get approach this job hunt with the ferocity it deserves. The difference? Looking at it as a full-time job and not going at it half-assed. It helped that there were more jobs out there than there had been in August. I got seven resumes out and followed-up on the phone calls I needed to. I also got my ass out of bed at a decent hour each morning. It was a productive week and one that I need to repeat this week. I took today off needing it to finish recovering from Wilcox’s Bachelor party.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention I am a bit disappointed with my lack of writing since being laid-off. I need to do more, specifically around the columns. Writing the weekly wrap-ups for my fantasy football league helps with that, but I’ve ignored here. Rightfully so though as I feel this blog has become nothing more than a sounding board for my personal frustrations. Ableson Rants needs some attention. It’s on the list like so many other things. But my short attention span kills it. I like projects though so if I could find a way to make these things into projects I’m good. So ar, it’s working with the job approach.
I can’t believe I’ve been out of work for almost two months.